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About Us

Big Clear Lake is a spring fed lake located by Arden Ontario. The Big Clear Lake Association was formed in 1990 with a peak membershp of about 100 families. There are about 170 cottages on the lake. Our mission is to ensure that our lake and its watershed ecosystem shall be protected and enhanced for the enjoyment of the community and future generations. Click here to learn more about our organization and how you can help.


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Our Mission


for a Common Understanding

Ecosystems are complex. Challenges facing our lake are complex. What can I do as an individual? We work with the many other environmental organization to understand the complex issues facing our natural systems. What is happening, what is the impact and more importantly what role each of us plays in contributing to the impact of that issue. What small things can each of us do differently, that collectively will have a positive impact? What happens if we do nothing?


for Future Generations

Preservation of what we have. It is easy to be complacent about the environment and the natural beauty of the lake we all share. All is good - right? Probably not - things are constantly changing and unless we are aware of these changes and take steps to address negative changes, things can go downhill quickly. Anyone noticing more weeds and algae in the lake? Remember once things deteriorate it is a huge challenge to reverse them. Reactive is not an approach that works well with natural systems - Proactive is the only real choice - prevent a problem before it happens. Protect what we have. If there are small negative changes detect them when they are small, and restore them back to health.


Take Action

Nature needs our help. Human behaviour has had a tremendous impact on natural systems, whether it is development and loss of natural habitat, pollution, climate change, increased nutrients, fishing pressures etc. there is no denying change is everywhere. There is ample literature out there that tells us what each of us can do to help. Re-inventing the wheel is not required here. Action is needed by all of us.










Shoreline Protection
click to Learn More


Invasive Species
click to Learn More




Endangered Species
click to Learn More


Excessive Weeds
click to Learn More









Join Our Efforts!
Help to Enhance the condition of our lake and the surrounding area for today and for the future.
A healthy lake also means healthy property values!



Your contributions can make a difference in our efforts to preserve and protect our lake. Every donation helps us to continue our work and promote sustainable behaviours.





Get Involved

Join our community of concerned land owners and make a difference in our local environment. There are things, starting today, that you can do to make a positive impact.


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Big Clear Lake Association

info at

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